Healthfully Delicious |
healthfully delicious
real food. real life.
Ah, this has been sitting around for a while waiting to be posted. Lee is still tweaking the tortilla recipe, but I couldn't wait any longer. So yummy and much easier than you think! My Dad started making these and inspired Lee to give it a try. After a few attempts, he now makes a batch when making bread and stores them in the freezer. They freeze independently and thaw within a few minutes left on the counter. So easy and quick!
I thought I would also include a recipe for homemade fajita seasoning. I can't believe I'm guilty of once buying packaged seasoning mixes for tacos/fajitas. Not only is just a mix of spices you already have, so therefore, totally ripping you off, but it also includes a bunch of added sugars and preservatives that you just don't need, or want, to have in your food! As promised, here's the recipe for both. Whole Wheat Tortilla Wraps Ingredients: 2 cups flour 1.5 cups warm water 1 tbsp olive oil + a bit more, if needed What to do: 1) In medium mixing bowl, add water and oil. Mix and knead together until it forms a ball that is not longer sticky and is light feeling, not dense. Add more flour as needed to get it to this point. 2) Once dough is no longer sticky, break apart into little balls, slightly smaller that the size of a golfball. 3) Sprinkle some flour on the counter or workspace. Using a rolling pin or just your hands, flatten out into round, thin tortillas. As thin as you get them! 4) Using an electric skillet or cast iron skillet, turn to medium/high heat. Keep hot, but do not grease the pan! Put your first tortilla onto the skillet. Flip once it starts to bubble, a few minutes. Remove from pan once the other side bubbles/browns, after another minute or so. 5) Let cool on a drying rack and place in a sealed plastic bag fairly soon or they will start to harden. Taco/Fajita Seasoning Ingredients: 1 Tbsp. or so of cumin, chilli powder, garlic powder Squeeze of a whole lime A few shakes of cilantro & dried red pepper flakes Water if needed What to do: 1) If using meat, brown in pan with a bit of oil over medium heat. We often use ground turkey or chicken, so oil is needed as there is little fat. If not using meat, chop veggies (such as peppers, corn, and onions) and stir fry in a bit of oil to soften. 2) When meat and veggies are mostly cooked, turn heat to simmer and add seasoning ingredients. Stir to combine. Add a bit of water, if needed, to give it a sauce. Taste and adjust as needed! Remove from heat so it doesn't get too dry. |
All Vegan, Refined-Sugar-free, Soy-free. A sprinkling of Gluten-free. And a pic of my babies, when they were babies. :)
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